Work In Progress (WIP)

Understanding and Simplifying Nutrition with Kadheeja Wahid

Season 1 Episode 6

Kadheeja Wahid has dedicated her educational and career experiences to health and nutrition to become an Australian qualified Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD) and an SLMC Registered Nutritionist. She is the founder and Dietitian for a virtual private practice known as Everyday Nutrition, taking on the online space to bring awareness and help a wide range of clients manage their medical needs through food and nutrition. She also works as a Dietitian and Nutritionist for a leading medical clinic. She has experience working in general adult health, women’s health, pediatrics and many others. She strongly believes that there is no single approach that works for everyone as we are all different individuals and have different health needs. Her approach is all about balance and nutrition in moderation taking a food first approach to help her clients meet their dietary needs.

Episode Resources:

Instagram: @everydaynutrition4 (Click here)
Facebook: @everydaynutrition4 (Click here)
Tik Tok: @everydaynutrition4

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